Hughes High School, Cincinnati Class of 1954

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

65 Year Reunion

HUGHES CLASS OF 1954   --   65 Year Class Reunion

In 2019, it will be 65 years since we left the hallowed halls of Hughes High School.  We have experienced many changes in the world, in society, and in technology in those 65 years.  Some of us  have survived, and, unfortunately, some of us have gone over the rainbow and have not made it.  Our prayers are for those classmates we have lost.  The rest of us will have an opportunity, at a reunion, to reminisce, to catch up, and to review the last 65 years since Hughes.

That reunion will be on Saturday, September 14, 2014 at the Radisson Hotel, Fifth St., Covington, KY.  To avoid having to drive at night, we are going to a luncheon in the afternoon.  Saturday morning, at 9:30, will be optional for a tour of the renovated Hughes.   At Noon, Hospitality Hour at the Radisson, followed by a sit-down luncheon at 1:00.  At 4:00, we board our chartered bus for a tour of Cincinnati.  At 6:30 we will stop at the Taproom for the Christian Moerlein Brewery for a beer and a snack, on your own.  We'll return to the Radisson at 8:00pm.  On Sunday morning, from 10:00am to 2:00pm, for those staying over to Sunday or anyone else, come up to the Revolving Restaurant at the Radisson for Brunch.

Mark you calendars now and plan on making the trip to the big  6 - 5 in September, 2019.

Any questions or comments, contact Audrey or Bruce Bernhard.  Phone: 859-441-7530 or e-mail to ajbernhard@ or  Text to: 859-957-9001 or 859-802-9751.